4Q Programming Guidelines: 3rd Trimester 06:18

This lesson reviews the many hormonal and physiological changes that occur in the 3rd trimester along with a 7-day program case study.  Neuromechanical: Greater joint pain may be evident as the normal curvatures of the body will drastically change. Feet may swell often and diastasis recti may occur. Core training may still be done, however, […]

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4Q Programming Guidelines: 2nd Trimester 06:50

This lesson reviews the many hormonal and physiological changes that occur in the 2nd trimester along with a 7-day program case study.  Neuromechanical: Low back and joint pain may be present. Mobility and Activation strategies may be required. Relaxin has declined compared to the first trimester allowing for more UMT and LMT strategies along with […]

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4Q Programming Guidelines: 1st Trimester 06:16

This lesson reviews the many hormonal and physiological changes that occur in the 1st trimester along with a 7-day program case study.  Neuromechanical Guidelines: Due to high Relaxin production, joint stability may be compromised as the hips and ribcage enlarge so Linear training is advised. Agile Strength Training and Power (Conversion) may be avoided or […]

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4Q Mechanical Guidelines for Heart Failure 06:39

There is a lack of support for direct resistance training use in heart failure patients, however, recent evidence would suggest a strong role for the use of neuromechanical training in clients with heart failure, especially when combined with metabolic (cardiovascular) training. Indeed, both aerobic fitness and measures of functional performance (6-minute walk distance) are improved […]

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4Q Metabolic Guidelines for Heart Failure 04:21

Determination of a client’s NYHA classification will guide the correct starting strategies for metabolic conditioning. Those clients in Class III and IV should start with lower intensity SISS and SIIT activities that are cyclical in nature. There is limited evidence in the literature to support PHA or WBI activities in individuals with these classifications, nor […]

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4Q Mechanical Guidelines for Acute Coronary Syndromes 02:47

There is strong evidence for the use of neuromechanical training in clients with acute coronary syndromes, especially when combined with metabolic (cardiovascular) training. The literature is generally focused on machine-based, loaded linear training showing improvements in strength and quality of life. Unloaded linear training and loaded movement training have been applied in warm-up and cool-down […]

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4Q Metabolic Guidelines for Acute Coronary Syndromes 04:27

Typical exercise interventions in the literature would suggest using an RPE-based approach using a variety of modalities (cyclical, WBI, etc.) that elicit an increase in cardiorespiratory and metabolic demand.  SISS and SIIT-based approaches should use RPE intensities between 11-13, while HIIT-based approaches should use RPE intensities between 15-18 and it has been shown that 4 […]

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4Q Mechanical Guidelines for Cancer 03:02

Classical resistance (or neuromuscular) training for individuals with cancer has focused on traditional machine or resistance band-based programming. As cancer and cancer treatments often lead to a decrease in lean body mass and muscle function, the addition of resistance training to exercise programming has shown a positive impact in both reducing muscle loss and increasing lean […]

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4Q Metabolic Guidelines for Cancer 06:35

The 4QMET includes classical exercise prescription of 3-5 days per week using moderate-to-vigorous cyclical activities accumulating 150 min of exercise per week. This prescription provides cardiorespiratory and metabolic adaptations that improve health.  There is evidence in the literature to support the use of HIIT in cancer showing improvements in aerobic fitness in breast cancer patients […]

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4Q Mechanical Guidelines for Obesity 04:00

Classical resistance (or neuromuscular) training for overweight and obese individuals has been less supported in the literature and not often included in exercise prescription approaches by major fitness organizations as resistance training alone does not typically lead to high levels of energy expenditure during the performance of the exercise and recovery durations are long. However, […]

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4Q Metabolic Guidelines for Obesity 05:04

The 4QMET includes a classical exercise prescription of 3-5 days per week using moderate-to-vigorous cyclical activities. Weight loss programs have suggested accumulating 225-420 min of exercise per week or expending greater than 3000 kcal/week via physical activity. This prescription provides cardiorespiratory and metabolic adaptations that improve health and lead to a loss of fat mass. […]

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4Q Mechanical Guidelines for Pulmonary Disease 03:02

Patients with pulmonary disease are typically very deconditioned and experience fatigue and muscle weakness (especially in the legs).  It is recommended that clients undergo resistance training that is focused on strength adaptations. In addition, upper extremity activities tend to elevate dyspnea scores, so increases in upper body strength may help to aid in reducing this […]

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4Q Metabolic Guidelines for Pulmonary Disease 11:18

The 4Q metabolic approach to training is based on the understanding and utilization of a threshold. Intensities are based on a percentage of threshold and help to form the power-duration relationship for creating the SISS, SITT, HISS, and HITT quadrants. The difficulty with the use of anaerobic threshold, critical power, etc. is that the majority […]

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4Q Cognitive Model 14:01

The 4Q Cognitive expresses the need for variable programming to enhance cognition. By understanding Cognitive Load and Metabolic demand, we can appreciate 4 unique inputs of cognitive-based conditioning with exercise.  General Benefits of the 4Q Cognitive 4Q Cognitive Examples […]

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4Q Programming Guidelines: 3rd Trimester 06:18

This lesson reviews the many hormonal and physiological changes that occur in the 3rd trimester along with a 7-day program case study.  Neuromechanical: Greater joint pain may be evident as the normal curvatures of the body will drastically change. Feet may swell often and diastasis recti may occur. Core training may still be done, however, […]

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4Q Programming Guidelines: 2nd Trimester 06:50

This lesson reviews the many hormonal and physiological changes that occur in the 2nd trimester along with a 7-day program case study.  Neuromechanical: Low back and joint pain may be present. Mobility and Activation strategies may be required. Relaxin has declined compared to the first trimester allowing for more UMT and LMT strategies along with […]

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4Q Programming Guidelines: 1st Trimester 06:16

This lesson reviews the many hormonal and physiological changes that occur in the 1st trimester along with a 7-day program case study.  Neuromechanical Guidelines: Due to high Relaxin production, joint stability may be compromised as the hips and ribcage enlarge so Linear training is advised. Agile Strength Training and Power (Conversion) may be avoided or […]

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