Intro to 4Q Strength 07:40

Strength is the ability to produce the required amount of force to accomplish a given task. Most life and sporting tasks are variable, creating a need for using 4Q to achieve strength outcomes

General Strength Benefits of the 4Q

LLT Benefits:

  • Greater recruitment of Type II fibers
  • Ideal for Hypertrophy and Max Strength
  • Intramuscular coordination

ULT Benefits

  • Greater Type I muscle fiber recruitment
  • "Bodyweight" Strong
  • Relative Strength

UMT Benefits:

  • Multi-directional bodyweight strong
  • Stronger in "Odd positions" (postures and positions outside of a neutral alignment)

LMT Benefits:

  • "Farm Strong"
  • Intermuscular coordination
  • Less Compressive form of weight training

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