4Q Programming 01:32

The goal of the next 3 modules is to tie in all of the learnings from the AHHPS Level 1 and 2 and use all 3 4Q models (Neuromechanical, Metabolic, Recovery) to create and deliver systematic and specific programs for your clients. Note: In this lesson, we mention “Weeks 12-14” however it should now read […]

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4Q Recovery Model 06:00

The Horizontal Continuum looks at Passive Recovery vs Active Recovery Strategies. Passive Recovery = Little to no Physical Effort to perform a recovery technique or strategy Active Recovery = Physical Effort to perform a recovery technique or strategy The Vertical Continuum looks at Global vs Local Recovery. Global Recovery = Systemic or whole-body based recovery […]

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Welcome to 4Q Recovery 02:34

Welcome to 4Q Recovery. In this module, we will Define Recovery and describe the need for Recovery as a part of our programming strategies Discuss the importance of balance within the Autonomic Nervous System Describe the various fatigue factors we must consider as a part of our Recovery programming Introduce the 4Q Recovery Model Note: […]

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4Q Metabolic Model 03:56

2 Continuums make up the 4Q Metabolic Model:  Vertical Axis explores the intensity of exercise and is described as either High Intensity or Sub-threshold Intensity. Horizontal Axis explores the Work:Rest ratio which is described as either Steady State (AKA continuous exercise) or Interval training.  The combination of these continuums creates 4 unique styles of Metabolic […]

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4Q Map 03:32

The 4Q Programming Map is a tool we can use to help contextualize a gameplan for achieving a client’s goals.  Map exercises a client currently does to accomplish their goal Provide benefits of those exercises (compliment) Then introduce goal-relevant, yet novel exercises from other quadrants  After the initial training session or exercise demo, we can […]

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Servicing Members using 4Q

Selling personal training or memberships can be daunting.  Through our use of the 4Q, we’ve found it incredibly useful to help coach prospective clients on the what, how and why they should hire a coach. This week, we’ll: Define “Selling” Explore a systematic approach to fostering a relationship: the 4C’s Discover the 4Q Workout Signature to […]

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4Q Plyometrics 03:10

4Q Plyometrics improves our ability to be “bouncy” or “springy” in all 4 quadrants. This enhances our tendons to be dynamic as we strengthen them with more collagen and elastin, allowing us to be elastic omnidirectionally. […]

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4Q Quickness 02:56

Quickness is derived from both maximal force production and is relative to our body position. Therefore 4Q Quickness allows a user to maximize Quickness Training by exposing the body to high forces and variable body positions. LLT and LMT provide an environment for maximum force production while UMT and LMT improve our quickness in odd […]

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4Q Speed 03:00

4Q Speed exposes the body to move at maximal velocity under 4 main parameters: ULT Speed enhances our ability to sprint or backpedal UMT Speed allows us to tackle the curvature of a track or to move at speed while having to track a fixed or moving object LLT Speed improves sprinting speed while carrying a […]

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4Q Agility 03:05

4Q Agility enhances our ability to change direction under a variety of different circumstances. Loaded Agility promotes tissue tolerance while changing direction quickly. Unloaded Agility enhances the maximal speed at which we can change direction Multi-directional Agility is the epitome of true agility training.  […]

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4Q Deceleration 03:03

Unloaded Deceleration is a good place to begin when training for decelerating. Introducing Loaded Deceleration strengthens the tissues that support our joints, allowing us to decelerate more force. Multi-directional Deceleration becomes a necessity for any recreational or elite athlete who wants to enhance or prolong their sporting abilities. […]

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4Q Acceleration 03:33

All 4 quadrants should be considered to improve acceleration. The 4Q exposes the body to accelerate in many directions and also under load which sets the body up for better life and sport performance. Typical Progression: Unloaded –> Loaded –> Back to Unloaded again to express a greater acceleration Linear –> Multiplanar Submaximal –> Maximal […]

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Intro to 4Q Power 08:21

Much like other training protocols, variability is necessary for optimal Power Training. Primary Benefits of Power in all 4Q: LLT: Increase neuromuscular recruitment, higher tissue compliance ULT: Maximize power efficiency UMT: Multiplanar power efficiency LMT: Improve Tissue Tolerance and explosiveness while moving mass […]

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Intro to 4Q Strength 07:40

Strength is the ability to produce the required amount of force to accomplish a given task. Most life and sporting tasks are variable, creating a need for using 4Q to achieve strength outcomes General Strength Benefits of the 4Q LLT Benefits: Greater recruitment of Type II fibers Ideal for Hypertrophy and Max Strength Intramuscular coordination […]

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