Reply To: Follow Up to Webinar question..

Institute of Motion Forums General Follow Up to Webinar question.. Reply To: Follow Up to Webinar question..

Derrick Price

    Hey Eugene, thanks for posting this. If you take a look at my community workout in Week 8, you’ll see examples of how we can accelerate with little emphasis on Deceleration. In other words, we focus on acceleration with little emphasis on trying to stop on a dime and create an environment where the deceleration component is lessened greatly or completely removed (I discuss this in Week 9 curriculum, i.e. acceleration in the Pool!).

    Think of the Triple Jump. We accelerate with little emphasis on landing mechanics and create an environment where the body can land safely (a sand pit). That’s where true acceleration comes into play. If the nervous system has to worry about decelerating you, then you’ll hold back on maximizing your acceleration abilities. So then are you really improving acceleration?

    Another example, think of accelerating sprinting…You sprint for 20-40 yards all out, but you give the person a runaway that is 100 yards so they can slowly decelerate the momentum they generated.

    So to summarize, an individual can much easily regulate the forces placed on the body in acceleration than in deceleration which is why we recommend Accel first before Decel. You can certainly choose to program different than our recommendations, but at least you can see our POV on it. Thanks Eugene!