In 14 weeks, you’ll continue to master a method that will boost your effectiveness and client retention for the rest of your career.

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In 12 weeks, you’ll continue to master a method that will boost your effectiveness and client retention for the rest of your career.

  • Describe the need for Metabolic Flexibility for Health and Human Performance
  • Explore the 4Q Metabolic Model as a means to program Metabolic Conditioning for Health and Human Performance
  • Define and develop workouts to 4 styles of Metabolic Conditioning
  • Identify the need for Variable Recovery strategies to maximize the adaptive process of a training and conditioning program
  • Explore the 4Q Recovery Model as a means to program Recovery Sessions and Recovery days as part of a Health and Human Performance Program
  • Investigate 4 styles of Recovery strategies and the many techniques that can be categorized within the 4Q Recovery Model
  • Design Programs that include Mechanical, Metabolic and Recovery considerations for Health and Human Performance