Mental/Emotional Domain Assessments 09:40
Assessments in the Mental/Emotional Domain can be divided into 4 categories. The following are resources to be used for self-discovery and not as a diagnostic tool.
1) Mindset: our attitudes that shape our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
Character Strengths Test Self-Esteem Test Self-Efficacy for Exercise Gratitude Quiz Grit Scale Adult Hope Score Anxiety and Depression
2) Purpose: what drives us!
Personal Values Assessment Motivation The Passion Scale
3) Emotional Intelligence: How we understand and process emotion.
EI Test Mindtools EI Test TargetSmartEQ IHHP EI Test Perceived Stress Scale
4) Cognition: Mental Functions that allow for interaction with ourselves and our environment.
SAGE Alzheimer's and Dementia Self-Screen Cognitive Failures Questionnaire Memory Functioning Questionnaire Executive Functioning Questionnaire
Make sure to use the Areas of Enhancement section in your Client Intake form to identify which area to assess specifically for your client and start to get familiar with the many assessment tools at your disposal.