Institute of Motion › Forums › General › Follow Up to Webinar question..
- This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 4 months ago by Derrick Price.
October 1, 2020 at 11:36 am #8600
DP and Michol –
Just had a follow up question regarding training acceleration vs deceleration – I understand the points you made in the webinar for sure, but I was wondering if you are training acceleration first – muscles are acting, can teach and gain muscular coordination/competency and its not as neurologically demanding – all yes – but HOW do you do that?
Any acceleration exercise – ie – you accelerate any direction, you eventually must stop or decelerate – whereas if you take a person, even though muscles are being acted upon and its more neurologically demanding, you can train, with the right dosage, deceleration exercises that have little to no acceleration – depth jumps, drop catch exercises etc.
In other words, you can train deceleration specifically as a prep for acceleration and plyometrics etc, but can you train acceleration only?
But, I guess you are just making the point that is still safer, more comfortable and easier for someone to work with acceleration first, relative to their level, than to first expose them to deceleration? Its always relative and depends I know, but if a client does a solid strength program – foundation and on up, my goal as a coach, would be to have them competent and strong enough to handle the demands of deceleration and once they develop there, you could have some fun pushing acceleration and the lot.
Thanks in advance
October 1, 2020 at 11:39 am #8602
And yes – I also understand you must accelerate in order to decelerate so you cannot completely isolate these capacities – they are linked, but it just seems like a more gentle, safer intro to power (practicing controlled decel) before being explosive and accelerating. ha, my mind is just running at the moment:)
October 6, 2020 at 11:06 am #8801
Hey Eugene, thanks for posting this. If you take a look at my community workout in Week 8, you’ll see examples of how we can accelerate with little emphasis on Deceleration. In other words, we focus on acceleration with little emphasis on trying to stop on a dime and create an environment where the deceleration component is lessened greatly or completely removed (I discuss this in Week 9 curriculum, i.e. acceleration in the Pool!).
Think of the Triple Jump. We accelerate with little emphasis on landing mechanics and create an environment where the body can land safely (a sand pit). That’s where true acceleration comes into play. If the nervous system has to worry about decelerating you, then you’ll hold back on maximizing your acceleration abilities. So then are you really improving acceleration?
Another example, think of accelerating sprinting…You sprint for 20-40 yards all out, but you give the person a runaway that is 100 yards so they can slowly decelerate the momentum they generated.
So to summarize, an individual can much easily regulate the forces placed on the body in acceleration than in deceleration which is why we recommend Accel first before Decel. You can certainly choose to program different than our recommendations, but at least you can see our POV on it. Thanks Eugene!
October 23, 2020 at 8:43 am #9284
Very interesting thoughts on acceleration and deceleration! I have a question with regards to the mobility drills and warm ups. I am new to the personal training field so I am still learning and there is a lot I am learning here. It is very different than what I learned and different than NASM which is kind of rigid in their program design (compared to this).
My question is many people who are deconditioned come in to train. So if someone has pain in their knee for example or maybe a herniated disc bound to happen (unbeknown to them ) because of their poor body mechanics etc. can any of these exercises put them in a situation that can cause that knee to pop or disc herniation to happen?
For example, I have learned squat so knees don’t come over toes so as not to put more stress on the knees. Some of the mobility exercises here though might have the knee in an awkward position as the person is moving into a rotational squat – especially if the person might have knees caving in. Another example would be some of the exercises that you have with an OH reach and back in extension… so if someone has tight shoulders and overly compensates using their lower back or maybe just uses overuses their lower back – then I would think that exercise could potentially put that person at risk for injury – especially if they have had poor body mechanics over time. I wouldn’t want to be the one to cause them an injury during our session. Is this something to consider when giving mobility exercises? I assume your strength training exercises will be similar. I would think we shouldn’t load the body unless body mechanics are right?
Thank you, Sigi
October 27, 2020 at 5:07 pm #9502
Hi Sigi, I think you’ll be able to answer your own question by the end of this course but I’ll take a stab and addressing some of your great questions here:
1) Deconditioned clients and clients in Pain (Acute or Chronic) are two separate issues. Sometimes people are deconditioned and in pain. Sometimes not. It’s important to distinguish the two. Clients in Pain should work with a specialized coach (Physical Therapist, Corrective Exercise Specialist, Pain-Free Movement Specialist, etc). Pain is a complex issue that we can’t simply blame on poor posture or biomechanics.
2) Any exercise can cause an injury. Some exercises are more riskier than others and that is dependent on many factors including the capabilities of the client, their ability to tolerate force, their history training or being physically active etc. What’s important as a coach is you select exercises that you are confident coaching. I wouldn’t expect a new coach in the industry to be able to prescribe and coach a Power exercise or a Multiplanar exercise. A veteran coach, absolutely, if that coach has had the right education and development. The key is to understand how to regress any exercise and acute variables to meet the abilities of the client and that takes years to develop.
If you are not comfortable with the way your client moves, then simply create an environment so they can move well. That means:
- Add more stability to a given exercise
- Slow the tempo
- Lighten or even remove external load
- Decrease range of motion
- Simplify the movement patterns
From our 4Q perspective, you might consider more Unloaded Linear based exercise until you feel confident with coaching people in other quadrants! So to answer your Mobility and Strength questions, you’ll probably want to prescribe ULT type exercises initially before progressing them to other quadrants later in their program (I.e. ULT for 1-2 weeks before introducing other quadrants). The key is to follow the aforementioned guidelines when you begin to explore new strategies and quadrants with your deconditioned clients.
For now, let me suggest practicing any exercise you see on yourself first until you get comfortable with it before you introduce it to clients.
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