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It’s taken some time with distractions,
but here it is
Happy days
This is a video of another little thing I do to regenerate myself.
Gymnastics ribbon & Music just letting it all flow no tension, just happiness
I started doing this 12 months ago, this was on the eve of our very first lockdown in Melbourne where stress levels were heightened, this felt so good it’s also now part of my recovery, and sometimes I actually pull out the ribbon midway through my training sets to bring my heartrate down if it gets too high.
This is how I regenerate after some hard sessions, no matter the weather, I head to the beach with my little man Archie, shoes off just walking in the sand and water watching the world go by watching him play without a care in the world.
I made this one for one of my athletes I work with for kettlebell sport
Train to compete. ASAP- HISS
This session is designed to mimic the load for a Kettlebell competition for the snatch.
Concentrate on good form, and speed while maintaining fixation (stopping the bell overhead)
Time the duration so to work on speed without losing form for next time.
Choosing the weight that you will compete with or 2kg heavier.
A few weeks behind, so not expecting any feedback, just playing around with the program builder.
Some things don’t have videos as I am time poor at the moment so hopefully, you get the gist of what I have planned.
This session is designed for a Couple I train for field Hockey, they always love my bodyweight sessions, so this is designed for them to do at home without any equipment when they can’t book a session with me.
Keeping them conditioned for the game as they are playing 6 minute quarters. I left one Working block out as they do other activities during the week, so this is not too much load on their bodiesLong Duration
The ratio is 1:1
Happy International Women’s Day
Thanks, Derrick,
generally, I do regress the straddles and have then step it out first before I allow them to jump, I should have put that in the comments of the movement, I was a little time poor to do my normal video of regressions and progressions to add to the Program builder.I hope you add in calm the farm to your tutorials
Hopefully, I will see you at the tequila and coffee
This one is designed for a client who is deconditioned and a few weeks into their training showing improvements who hasn’t trained in a while with me. They love moving and variability and wants to be able to have some stamina to play with their new grandchild when the time arises
Still old school programmer so the program builder takes me some time to do
But hey positive is I got it done
Happy Week 4 legends!!
awesome, thank you for the feedback
This program I have used on one of my semi-private group sessions which comprises of clients ageing from 50-65 who want to be able to move and function in their daily lives to be more active and sustain activity with their grandchildren.
It is WBI (hopefully)
Happy Valentines day to all
I’m glad to be back for Level 2.
I just love learning, especially through IOM as it aligns with my values, so for me the only expectation I have is for you to continually align with them through the course
I am finding a little more flow in my programming having the 4Q in the toolbox, especially when I have planned a session and the client comes in with an issue and I need to change on the fly. It’s also helped me plan my group sessions a little better. Still not up to speed with the Program builder, as I find it is easier for me to keep notes (old school style)
I guess I would definitely have a bias towards the HISS & SISS with my kettlebell sport, I’m comfortable there as I can find a flow state, whereas the HIIT & SITT raise my anxiety levels so probably why I stay away from them.
And on a funny note!
I always thought it was us Aussies that spoke fast. Greg is on a mission to deliver his contentmy poor brain was trying to catch up on all the science talk.