Vector Variability 02:29
An important observation made with individuals and athletes who move well is they can perform a given task in a variety of different ways.
For example, when we shovel snow or dirt as a chore, a good mover varies their posture, their grip on the shovel, and the direction in which they shovel. If we kept these variables the same, we may experience greater fatigue in specific regions of the body, greater wear and tear, and ultimately, not be able to complete the chore efficiently and in a timely manner.
Vector Variability means to vary the positions and directions we perform a given movement task. This sends force through the body through many angles, fortifying stronger tissues, while placing more demand on the nervous system to learn how to perform a given task in numerous ways. It's a major principle of why we don't want our youth athletes to specialize in a given sport!
If the outcome of training is to create a more intelligent and resilient athlete, Vector Variability is an ideal progression strategy with many ViPR PRO® exercises.
Scroll below to see an example of how we may vary the vectors during a basic anterior lunge pattern.
Relevant Research:
Variability and Motor Learning
Optimal Motor Variability
Variability and Fascial Health
Variability for Improving Strength