A vital component of health and human performance is the ability to generate force based upon a demand. This is called Strength. A subset of strength, is the ability to create purposeful force for a variety of different tasks; with different speeds/angles/loads. We call this Functional Strength, or in other words Being Farm Strong. In this course, you […]
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The ViPR PRO® Team Training is a two parts course, a video–rich curriculum that will teach you everything you need to know about ViPR PRO® Team Training – which we call a Training Camp. How to decide your camp, how to set it up, how to program, and how to effectively and authentically coach ViPR PRO® […]
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The ViPR PRO® Fundamentals Course on Platform is a 6 chapter, 60+ lesson, video rich curriculum that will walk you through how to promote resiliency and performance with ViPR PRO®. Each lesson is approximately 5 minutes or less containing video, relevant research and external links, along with quizzes to fortify your comprehension. We’ll explore the sciences that support Loaded Movement Training along with exercise technique, coaching principles, and workouts designed specifically to enhance Mobility, Strength, Power, and Metabolic Conditioning for optimal movement and performance.
This is our “Virtual Book” on ViPR PRO®. […]
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