The 4Q Neuromechanical Model 03:37

The 4Q Neuromechanical Model is an all-inclusive approach to exercise program design and classification for health. It is composed of two continuums that primarily influence our Nervous System and Tissues (Bone, Muscle, Fascia, Skin), thus why we call it the Neuromechanical model. We also have other 4Q Models that explore Metabolism and Recovery (we'll explore in future courses) so we found it important to give this model a specific name.

The intent of the 4Q is to help us identify the appropriate amount of variability within a training program to promote health while still achieving specific fitness goals. 

Meet the 4 Quadrants

Loaded Linear Training

  • Movement is in one direction
  • External resistance (load) is applied to the body
  • Includes most traditional resistance training exercises.

Loaded Movement Training

  • Multi-directional movement: at least two primary directions of motion
  • External resistance (load) is applied to the body
  • Includes task-oriented movements.

Unloaded Linear Training

  • Movement is in one direction
  • No external resistance (bodyweight only).
  • Includes most traditional bodyweight exercises.

Unloaded Movement Training

  • Multi-directional movement: at least two primary directions of motion
  • No external resistance (bodyweight only).

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