As the name implies, Fundamental Strength looks to enhance strength around basic movement patterns. 1) Identify which movement patterns are most important to the client and their goals 2) Use the 4Q to organize the movement patterns to gain variable strength For a thorough read on exercise prescription and programming around fundamentals, check out our […]
Lesson Tag: AHHPS Week 6
Intro to Movement-Based Strength 13:55
Movement-Based Strength incorporates Whole-Body Integrated (WBI), Task-Specific Exercise. There are 5 Sub-themes of Movement Strength: Fundamental Strength: Development of basic WBI Movement Patterns Dead Strength: Overcoming Resting Inertia Odd-Position Strength: Overcoming Uncommon body postures Agile Strength: Sustaining Momentum Relative Strength: Bodyweight Strong We’ll explore these sub-themes throughout this week. […]
Program of the Week (Week 6) 10:12
This Week we tackle Movement Strength. Try these strategies on yourself before integrating them with your clients. […]
Muscle-Based Workout Guidelines