Neurological Benefits of Variability

Variability in a training program is important from a neurological perspective for many reasons Enhance Sensory Motor Integration Improve Motor Vocabulary which may lead to greater Motor Intelligence Enhance Neurogenesis and Synaptogenesis Simply put, our clients become more efficient and intelligent at moving. This is imperative for a culture that moves less often and participates […]

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Variability is Specificity 02:03

Consider how most parents pick up their kids – they don’t set their feet to neutral, ask the child to position themselves to their midline and then, after bracing, symmetrically load each arm as they pull the child to their non-dominant shoulder as the child stays perfectly still. What parents actually do is pay no […]

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Vertical Continuum

The 4Q is composed of 2 continuums. The Vertical Continuum explores Loaded and Unloaded Training. Load-based Training: exercise that involves moving or carrying an external mass that provides an adequate amount of force for the body to adapt to. Dumbbells, Barbells, Selectorized Machines, Resistance Bands, Medicine Balls and other free weights are typically used in […]

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Continuum-Based Thinking 01:52

Continuum-based thinking is a flexible and all-inclusive approach to resolving issues that lie within a continuum. For example, let’s say we’re baking a dish that includes Honeycrisp apples and/or Granny Smith apples, two types of apples that both lie on an apple continuum. Instead of asking which is better, a continuum-based thinking approach would first […]

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Course Objectives 01:09

Define and Classify movement into the 4Q Justify the 4Q for all client types Design 4Q Strength, Power, and Mobility workouts Utilize the 4Q to bolster a sales pitch without sounding like a salesperson Boost confidence in using 4Q for developing daily workouts and programs for our clients […]

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Who is IoM? 01:51

The Institute of Motion, IoM, offers solutions, strategies and education within the Health and Fitness Industry. We work specifically with Personal Trainers, Strength Coaches, and Health Coaches while also consulting with government agencies and businesses within the Health and Fitness space.  What’s unique about IoM is our methodologies look to enhance fitness and performance without […]

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