Lesson Tag: AHHPS Week 8
[Module 8] Webinar
[Module 8] Discussion
Build a Power Session 03:32
Building a Power Workout begins with deciding on what type of Power adaptation you’re looking to obtain: Acceleration, Deceleration, or Conversion (Agility, Plyometrics, Quickness, or Speed). You can also consider Power Endurance and Max Power which we’ll discuss next week. Generally speaking, it’s safe to begin with Acceleration and Deceleration for 2-4 weeks before progressing […]
Power: Plyometrics 06:22
Plyometric Training enhances the elasticity of the body and takes advantage of our stretch-shortening cycle which is composed of 3 phases: Eccentric (tissue loading), Amortization (transition time), Concentric (tissue unloading). The shorter the transition time, the greater plyometric effect. For this to occur, we need a nervous system that is highly sensitive and reactive eccentric […]
Power: Quickness 03:58
Quickness is defined as the ability to react or change body positions with a maximum rate of force production through all planes of motion, in different body postures, during functional activities. A high nerve conduction velocity must be exhibited to express quickness, which means Quickness Training should be used not just for athletic performance, but […]
Power: Speed 08:56
Speed is defined as moving as fast as possible in an intended direction. To move at high speed consider these factors: the neuromuscular system must exhibit coordination to quickly turn on and off joints must have concurrent stability and mobility fascia and skin must be able to tolerate a high force demand and be highly elastic The […]
Power: Agility 07:02
Agility can be defined as the ability to start, stop and change direction quickly. Agility training affords a host of benefits including: improved sensory-motor integration enhanced neuromuscular sensitivity muscle compliance bodywide stabilization increase in collagen and elastin in skin and fascia improved athleticism […]
Power: Deceleration 06:39
Deceleration is the ability to stop momentum or “put on the brakes”. Our “brake system” is not only comprised of the muscles that must turn on isometrically and eccentrically, but also compliance of the tissues that surround our joints. Most non-contact injury in sport occur during the deceleration phase of a given movement, therefore decelerating […]
Power: Acceleration 06:31
Acceleration can be defined as overcoming inertia to move as fast as possible. 4 types of Acceleration can be performed: Deadstarts overcome a resting inertia as quickly as possible. Think of going from 0-60MPH as fast as possible. Momentum-Starts overcome a constant inertia. Think of moving at 50MPH (constant inertia) and then accelerating on the […]
Intro to 4Q Power 08:21
Much like other training protocols, variability is necessary for optimal Power Training. Primary Benefits of Power in all 4Q: LLT: Increase neuromuscular recruitment, higher tissue compliance ULT: Maximize power efficiency UMT: Multiplanar power efficiency LMT: Improve Tissue Tolerance and explosiveness while moving mass […]
Module 8 Power Program Example 09:40
Here’s an example of a 7-day Power program focused on Acceleration and Deceleration in all 4Q. […]
Build a Power Session 03:32
Building a Power Workout begins with deciding on what type of Power adaptation you’re looking to obtain: Acceleration, Deceleration, or Conversion (Agility, Plyometrics, Quickness, or Speed). You can also consider Power Endurance and Max Power which we’ll discuss next week. Generally speaking, it’s safe to begin with Acceleration and Deceleration for 2-4 weeks before progressing […]
[Week 8] Webinar
[Week 8] Discussion
Community Workout (Week 8) – Power Accel/Decel
Tequila and Coffee Social Hour
Welcome to Tequila and Coffee with Johnny and DP! In this Virtual Social Hour, we’ll meet on a Zoom Meeting (camera and audio on for everyone, although optional). Johnny and DP will facilitate a discussion on all things health, fitness and community. We invite you to join us in this casual, laid back environment as […]
4Q Power Examples
Program of the Week (Week 8) 09:40
Here’s an example of a 7-day program focused on Acceleration and Deceleration in all 4Q. […]
Power: Acceleration 06:31
Acceleration can be defined as overcoming inertia to move as fast as possible. 4 types of Acceleration can be performed: Deadstarts overcome a resting inertia as quickly as possible. Think of going from 0-60MPH as fast as possible. Momentum-Starts overcome a constant inertia. Think of moving at 50MPH (constant inertia) and then accelerating on the […]